Thursday, January 2, 2020

Make a Digital Clock From Scratch : 6 Steps

The main block, which will start the action and call the required blocks. To change the time slide the Slide switch 1 upwards. Take the solid hanger plate and place it on the hollow hanger plate, as the hollow plate will give some space to the nail inserted in the wall. The ring lets you hold the RGB to the clock.

Provide the ability to set the hours section of the counter. Wire the output from pin 8 of the fourth 7490 to the normally closed contact of a single pole double throw switch. Wire the normally open contact of the switch to the 1 Hz time base. Wire the wiper of the switch to the clock input of the fifth 7490. Provide the ability to set the minutes section of the counter.

Step 4: The Schematics

The program is a bit messy but I did as best as I could to make it clean. Now you will need to choose the right resistor for current limiting to 3 LEDs in parallel. I made a common cathode display which means the all the negatives leads are connected together. But as I said In the parts list you will need 130 LEDs and the other 4 LEDs are going to be used as dots that separate the hours, minutes and the seconds. 4) about 10 resistors for the current protection.

Time is kept using a CR3203 battery, which is good for a year or more. The plastic mount for the LEDs I designed and made on the 3D printer. I needed a spacer inside the frame, so printed that as well.

How to Make a Digital Clock

When i connect a 9V battery to it, only the 4 dots lit. I am confused maybe it's because of the wiring but i definitely did what it is written in there and in the diagram. Also maybe because of the resistors i used? By the way i used yellow LEDs and i used 150ohms resistor for current limitting.

Wire the output from pin 8 of the second 7490 to the normally closed contact of a single pole double throw switch. Wire the wiper of the switch to the clock input of the third 7490. I used a 5volt 2 amp plug pack to power the lights, and the Arduino as well. Wiring from the rightmost device to the leftmost device, wire the first s as a count by 10, a count by 6, a count by 10, and a count by 6. Wire the fifth 7490 as a count by 2 and the sixth 7490 as a count by 1 for the 12-hour clock.

Step 4: Time to Add the Brain

As we have evive’s TFT Display we can display whatever we want. We will use the display to show the room’s temperature, humidity, time , and date. Attach the sensor to evive as given in the next step. STEP THREE- Add completely cooled toasted pecans, rye flour and all-purpose flour.

how to make led clock at home

So a simple calculation gives that there are 21 LEDs in each seven segment display. Now, fix these plates to evive through the base plate using M3 bolts of length 25mm length. Initialise RGB strip () with () LED pixels on pin () block.

A big thanks must go to a Youtuber called Cine-lights. They make many interesting items using programmable LED’s, a clock being one of them. They make all the instructions and coding required available to anyone who wants it. The LEDs are available in rings, having various quantities of LEDs already attached to the printed circuit boards. There is one with 60 lights, perfect for a clock. It comes in 4 sections and is easy to solder together.

Peel of the adhesive paper from the RGB strip and stick it to the inner side of the outer ring. We need to attach the ring on the base plate, thus we will use superglue for the same. Before we start with the assembly, let’s first understand how we want our clock to work. A mighty STEM kit for beginners of all ages to learn electronics, programming, and robotics. Full instructions using Inkscape and plugins.

I made my clock with a stand alone arduino without the original board because I wanted to make a finished project. This block is used to display Humidity and Temperature along with the symbols. The value of both temperature and humidity will be obtained from the DHT11 sensor. Also, we will display the time and data on the display. Take the two hanger plates , these plates will hold evive to the clock and also will be used to hang the clock to the wall.

how to make led clock at home

Wire the fifth 7490 as a count by 4 and the sixth 7490 as a count by 2 for the 24-hour clock. Many suppliers are available on the Internet or through electronics supply catalogs. Choose a vendor that offers basic integrated circuits of the generic 74xx and 40xx families, and discrete components, such as resistors and capacitors. So join me and build your own custom LED digital clock powered by our favorite little micro-controller the Arduino. Connect pin 6 or pin 7 of the fifth 7490 as the clocking input of the sixth 7490.

Digital clocks can be used to tell time at a glance. They became quickly more popular than the older sweep hand clocks, now known as analog clocks. The time derived by analog clocks came from either a pendulum or a spring.

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